The World’s FIRST Ethical AI Assistant

Developed by Christian Ortiz

Justice AI: Your Intelligent Ally

Transforming DEIBA with Cutting-Edge AI:

Your Partner in Achieving Equity and Compliance

Justice AI empowers city governments, Fortune 500 companies, and leading organizations to fortify their DEIBA efforts with advanced, ethical AI solutions. Ensure compliance, detect biases, and lead with equity.

Join us in our mission to create a fair, inclusive, and equitable world—one where technology serves as a powerful force for liberation and justice for all.

Why Justice AI?

Justice AI is not just a tool—it's your strategic partner in achieving true equity and inclusion. Designed for organizations committed to DEIBA, Justice AI offers:

  • Advanced Bias Detection: Automatically identifies and mitigates biases in content, policies, and decision-making processes.

  • Decolonized Perspectives: Integrates non-Western knowledge systems and Indigenous wisdom into AI frameworks, ensuring diverse viewpoints.

  • Intersectional Analysis: Provides nuanced insights that reflect the complexity of overlapping identities, enabling more inclusive outcomes.

  • Compliance Assurance: Helps organizations stay ahead of DEIBA regulations and standards, ensuring compliance at every level.

  • EEOC Approved: This is the ONLY premiere AI system to fully comply with EEOC regulations.

For City Governments: "Ensure your community thrives with Justice AI. From policy-making to public services, Justice AI helps city governments identify and dismantle systemic barriers, fostering a truly inclusive environment."

For Fortune 500 Companies: "Lead the way in corporate responsibility. Justice AI helps you maintain compliance, enhance diversity, and strengthen your brand’s commitment to equity. Empower your workforce and build a culture of belonging."

For DEIBA-Focused Entities: "Take your DEIBA initiatives to the next level. Justice AI provides the tools you need to measure, track, and enhance your impact, ensuring your organization is truly inclusive and equitable."

Justice AI in Action:

Proven Results Across


  • Case Study 1: City Government Implementation

    • Challenge: A major U.S. city struggled with ensuring equitable access to public services.

    • Solution: Justice AI was implemented to review and adjust service delivery models.

    • Result: Increased access to services for marginalized communities by 30% within the first year.

  • Case Study 2: Fortune 500 Compliance Enhancement

    • Challenge: A leading Fortune 500 company faced challenges in meeting DEIBA compliance standards across its global operations.

    • Solution: Justice AI was deployed to audit policies and procedures across multiple locations.

    • Result: Achieved 100% compliance within six months, with a significant reduction in reported biases.

  • Case Study 3: DEIBA Strategy for a Multinational Corporation

    • Challenge: A multinational corporation needed to integrate DEIBA into their global operations.

    • Solution: Justice AI was used to develop and implement a DEIBA strategy that respected local cultures while adhering to global standards.

    • Result: Improved employee satisfaction scores by 25% and achieved recognition as a top employer for diversity.

Ready to Lead with JAI?

Schedule a demo or request a consultation to see how Justice AI can transform your DEIBA initiatives.

Atlas Advocates Program
Every month
Every month

Support my ongoing projects with Justice A.I., and my filmmaking ventures by subscribing to my program. Your monthly contributions empower the development of Justice A.I., a groundbreaking tool challenging social biases, and support my dynamic media creations that aim to reshape narratives and inspire action. Join us in driving meaningful change and fostering an inclusive future through innovative technology and powerful storytelling. Together, we can create waves

✓ Exclusive Updates
✓ Monthly Art Downloads
✓ Community Building
✓ Support for Social Justice Initiatives


Who We Service

As your A.I. consultant, I’m here to help. Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!